The File Manager Dropbox add-on provides you the ability to edit, delete, upload, download, copy and paste files and folders in Dropbox directly from your WordPress website.
Screenshot-1: Go to the Dropbox Addon Tab under the WP File Manager tab on the left side wordpress panel as shown in the screenshot
Screenshot-2: Please check the option “ENABLE DROPBOX” in the Dropbox Tab.
Screenshot-3: User Restrictions
Screenshot-4: User Role restriction
Screenshot-5: Login to your Dropbox account and go to your Dropbox Apps Page and create an App by clicking Create App button.
Screenshot-6: Now your Dropbox App is created and you can copy the Dropbox App key and Dropbox App secret directly from there. For the Dropbox Access Token, Scroll to the ‘OAuth 2’ section and click on ‘Generate’ button.
Screenshot-7: Now Fill the App Key, App Secret and Access Token in the fields in the plugin and click “Save Changes”.
Screenshot-8: Now Dropbox Addon has been successfully Integrated with the Filemanager Plugin. Now when you open the Filemanager Plugin you will see the root folder for your Dropbox App.
Screenshot-9: Now you can easily copy paste any files from any other directory or even the desktop to the Dropbox Folder and it will automatically sync with the your Dropbox Folder. Please follow these screenshots
Screenshot-10: Shortcode for Dropbox
[wp_file_manager_dropbox app_key="xxxxxxxxxx" app_secret="xxxxxxxxxxx" token="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" view="list" lang="en" theme="light" dateformat="d M, Y h:i
A" allowed_roles="administrator, editor,author" access_folder="*" write = "true" read = "false" allowed_operations="upload,download" ban_user_ids="2,3"]
Screenshot-11: Front View of File manager Dropbox