Upgrade File Manager 8.4.1 Supercharge File Manager Pro with the New Cloudflare R2 Addon Try Now

Upgrade File Manager 8.4.1
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    How to get Google Cloud keys

    Create a Service Account:

    1. In the Cloud Console, go to the Create Service Account Page
    2. Select a project.

    3. In the Service account name field, enter a name. The Cloud Console will fill in the Service account ID field based on this name
    4. In the Service Account description field, enter a description. (e.g. Service account for quickstart)
    5. Click Create
    6. Select a role
      Under Quick access, select Basic, then Owner
    7. Click Continue
    8. Click Done to finish creating the Service Account

    Create a service account key:

    1. In the Cloud Console, click the email address for the Service Account you created
    2. Select Manage keys
    3. Add key, then click Create new key
    4. Click CreateA JSON key file is downloaded to your computer
    5. Close