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    How can I get my Microsoft account Client ID and Client Secret key?

    Follow the below steps to get your Microsoft/OneDrive account’s Client ID and Secret/Password Key:

    1. If you have created an account with Microsoft Application Registration Portal, login, else Signup

    2. Click on Add an App

    My Application

    3. Enter your application name and click Create

    Microsoft Account Registeration

    4. There you will see Application ID; in OneDrive your application works like your Client ID, copy it.

    My App Registration

    5. Click on Add Platform button

    My App Registration

    6. Select Web Application

    Select Web Application

    7. Copy your own url e.g. and paste it in Redirect URIs section
    Application Secrets

    8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the Live SDK support box, then Save.

    SDK Support Box

    9. Scroll up to the same page and click on Generate New Password button to get your Password/Secret Key.
    Copy your password. This is your Client Secret Key

    Password Generate


    Also Read:  AWS S3 Integrations & How to get AWS S3 API details?